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Gulikan theyyam

Guligan is believed to have taken birth from the left thumb finger of Lord Shiva. To protect Maarkandeyan, Shiva killed the lord of death. This no one in earth had death since then and thus in order to cope up with the situation, Lord Shiva created Guiligan. Guligan theyyam is a real frightening one. As high as high, As wide as earth, Round fiery eyes like coconut, teeth resembling chisel, hands as tough as aracnut tree, Legs as strong as coconut tree trunk. These depicts the shape and size of Guligan. As it was created for bringing about death on earth, Guligan is entertained through Guruthi OR Kuruthi and by offering blood of hen. Tender coconut leaves are integral part in the costumes of Guligan theyyam, Tender coconut leaves are worn around the waiste and the head gear made of bamboo decorated with tender leaves. A typical mask which is unique in its own way is another characteristics in Guigan theyyam.


Story of Muthappan The Naduvazhi (landlord) Ayyankara Illath Vazhunnavar (a Nambudiri Brahmin) was unhappy, as he had no child. His wife Padikutty Antharjanam was a devotee of Lord Shiva. She made a sacrifice to Shiva for children. One day in her dream she saw the Lord. The very next day, while she was returning after a bath from a near by river, she saw a pretty child lying on a flower bed. She took the child home and she and her husband brought Him up as their own son. The boy used to visit the jungle near their house (mana) for hunting with His bow and arrows. He would then take food to the poor and to the backward communities with Him. As these acts were against the Namboothiri way of life, His parents earnestly requested Him to stop this practice, but the boy turned a deaf ear to their warnings. Ayyankara Vazhunavar became very disappointed. One day the boy revealed His divine form (Visvaroopam or Viswaroopa or Cosmic All-Pervading form) to His parents. They then realized that the


Lord Narasimha is fourth incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu. Narasimha is in the form of Half Man and Half Lion, and is considered as the most ugra form of Vishnu's form. This form is having a human-like torso and a lower body, but with a lion-like face and claws with ugra form. He is believed as protector of devotees all the time. Lord Narasimha took birth on earth to demolish Hiranyakashipu, the cruel asura who was considered Lord Vishnu as his moral enemy. He was brother of Hiranyaksha, the asura who was killed by Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu, thus challenging Vishnu and decided to kill vishnu's followers. He was torturing all of devas and his own villagers those are worshipping vishnu. He was forcing all of them to worship him, instead of Vishnu. His son, Prahlada was one of the devotees of Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu started challenging lord vishnu and threatening the world by his evil acts. Since he found his son himself with Vishnu's side, he decided to kill his son. Whenever he t


Brahma, the Creator, lusted after his mind-borne daughter, and grew four heads in order that he might continually see her. In creating these four heads, Brahma divided the world into the four directions, due to his desire for that which no longer was within himself. It is said by some that Brahma's desire for his daughter was caused by Kama (desire) who was born to madden and delude people, a task for which Brahma gave him magical arrows, which he immediately tested upon the Creator himself. Embarrassed by the attentions of Brahma, his daughter, who is known by many different names, ascended heavenwards. This provoked Brahma to manifest a fifth head, the quintessence of the other four, and reached out to 'cohabit' with his daughter. Upon seeing this, Shiva cut off the fifth head of Brahma with his sword (in some versions of the myth Bhairava merely uses the nail of his left thumb).In this act of murder, Shiva-Bhairava became 'Kapalin' or skull-carrier,The skull of B


The MAHABHAARATHAM depicts, the younger brother of Emperor Yudhistiran and also the foremost celebrity of the bow and arrow named as Arjunan once embarked a highly thorny THAPASS ( traditional practice like worship, praying ) to gratify Bhagavaan Sivan ( one of the trinities of Hindu culture ) for getting a highly pungent sanctified ASTHRAM ( arrow ) known as PAASUPATHAASTRAM. The THAPASS went on for years. Surveillance of all these concentrated devotion, Bhagavaan Sivan comprehended his time to bless Arjunan has arrived. He decided to transform into a VEETTAKKAARAN ( hunter ) to assess the ability of Arjunan before hallowing him. In short, the VEETTAKKARAN provoked Arjunan. Without realizing that the VEETTKKAARAN in front of him is Bhagavaan Sivan, started the combat. In the end, Bhagavaan became happy by the adroitness shown by his aficionado. VEETTAKKARAN appeared in his original form and presented the PAASHUPATHAASTHRAM.When Bhagavaan Sivan was in the form of VEETTAKKAARAN, Paarvat


The Asura Daruka (also called Darika) received boons from Brahma and starts to oppress the universe. When it becomes unbearable, Siva creates Bhadrakali from his third eye. Bhadrakali killed Daruka. Manodari, wife of Daruka was the daughter of Asura Maya. Saddened by husband's death, Manodari worshipped Siva. Siva appeared and gave her some drops of sweat that he sweapt off from his body. Siva proclaimed that against whomsoever she throws the drops, will catch smallpox. They will have to worship Manodari and make her food offerings to dispel smallpox. From that day on Manodari became the Goddess of smallpox. On her way to earth, Manodari met Bhadrakali. Manodari threw the drops at Kali who is returning after killing Daruka. Smallpox sores appeared on Kali's body. Siva created a bhuta from his ear and sent him to Kali. Ghantakarnan is this bhuta. Ghantakarnan started to lick the smallpox sor off Kali's body. Since Ghantakarnan is Kali's brother and a brother should not t


A local chieftain wanted to molest a woman who has lived in vella comunity Her protest against the chieftain resulted in to the punishment by throwing her in a leaky country boat floated on a river. Burning fire wicks were also placed on her head. Later the memory of this woman was kept alive, by the society who elevated her to a goddess named koota Bhagavathi


Ma Kalaratri 7th appearance of Ma-Durga is known as 'Kalaratri It is believed that Prajapathy Daksha, father of the unfortunate Sati Devi (Shiva’s first consort; Parvathi is considered as the rebirth of Sati), performed a yaga, renowned as ‘Daksha Yaga’, at Kottiyoor. Sati had married Siva against the wishes of her father and thereby incurred her father’s wrath. The wicked Daksha performed a great yanja, with the sole intention of insulting Shiva, to which he sent invitation to all the Gods and Goddesses demanding their participation except to his daughter and son-in-law. Sati, who was exasperated by this treatment of her father, set off to meet him to ask the reason for it. Daksha insulted Sati in the name of her husband before the guests who were present for the ceremony. Being an ideal consort, Sati could not bear this. Being enraged with anger, she immediately jumped into the fire and committed suicide. On hearing about the sad demise of his consort, Lord Siva became ferocious